Brands & Calibre # | Brands & Calibre # | Brands & Calibre # |
A.Schild (AS) | Elgin | Movado |
AHO | Enicar-AR | Montilier |
Alpina | Eterna | Omega |
AM- A.Michel | Favre-Leuba -FL | Oris |
Amida | FB-Forster | Omex |
Angelus | Felsa | Otero |
Appella | FHF-FONT | Parrenin - H.P. |
Arogno | FHF-Font | Patek Philippe |
Asco | FEF-Fleurier | Peseux |
Aster | FM Femga | Phenix |
Atlantic | Fortis | Piaget |
Audemars Piguet | France Ebauches | Pierce |
Aurore | Freco | Poljot |
Baumgartner BFG | Frenca | PUW |
Becker | Gala | Reconvilier |
Beguelin | General | Record |
Benrus | Geneva - Gsw | Recta |
Bettlach-EB | Girard Perregaux-GP | Revue |
Bifora | Glashutter Tradition | Rolex |
Blancpain | Glycine | Roamer |
Brac | Grau & Hampel | Ronda |
Breitling | Gruen | Roseba |
Bulla | Guba | Roskopf-Patent |
Bulova | Guebelin | Rotary |
Buren | Hamilton | Seiko |
Buser | Hanhart | Sellita |
Cattin | Helbros | Silvana |
Certina | Helvetia | Sindaco |
Chaika | Heuer | Slava |
Chezard | Heuer Leonidas | Smiths |
Cimier | IWC | Standard-ST |
Citizen | Jaeger LeCoultre | Tavannes |
Croton | Jeambrun | Thiel |
Concord | Junghans | Timor |
Cortebert | Kasper | Tissot |
Court | KFG | Tudor |
Culmina | Kienzle | Ulysse Nardin |
Cupillard | Lanco | Unitas-UT |
Cyma | Landeron | Universal Geneve |
Dama | Lavina | Vacheron |
Damas | Lemania | Valjoux |
Derby | Leonidas | Venus |
Dodane | Longines | Vulcain |
Dorly | Lorsa, HS | Waltham |
Doxa | Luch | West End |
Dugena | Marc Favre | Winton |
Durowe | Martel | Wittnauer |
EB-Bettlach | Marvin | Wostok |
Ebel | Mido | Wyler |
Eberhard | Minerva | Zaria |
Ebosa | Moeris | Zenith |
Election | Molnia | Zodiac |
Tag Archives: Meylan Watch spare parts
Watch Parts Branded
Here you can find the list all major watch manufacturers.
Please click on the manufacturer name to view more information on the movement/spares available
Please reach out to me by email if you are unable to find the info about any specific calibre.
Brands & Calibre # | Brands & Calibre # | Brands & Calibre # |
A SHIELD (AS) | Elgin | Movado |
A SHIELD (AS) | Emes | Montilier |
AHO | Enicar AR | MST |
AHS | ETA | Omega |
Alpina | Eterna | Oris |
AM- A.Michel | Favre Leuba - FL | Osco |
Amida | Foerster, FB | Otero |
Angelus | Felsa | Parrenin - H.P. |
Appella | Femga | Patek Philippe |
Arogno | FHF, FONT | Peseux |
Asco | FEF, Fleurier | Phenix |
Aster | FM Femga | Piaget |
Atlantic | Fortis | Pierce |
Audemars Piguet | France Ebauches | Poljot |
Aurore | Freco | PUW |
Baumgartner BFG | Frenca | Reconvilier |
Becker | Gala | Record |
Beguelin | General | Recta |
Benrus | Geneva - Gsw | Revue |
Bettlach-EB | Girard Perregaux, GP | Rolex |
Bifora Bidlingmaier | Glashutter Tradition | Roamer- mst |
Blancpain | Glycine | Ronda |
Brac | Grau & Hampel | Roseba |
Breitling | Gruen | Roskopf-Patent |
Bulla | Guba | Rotary |
Bulova | Guebelin | Seiko |
Buren | Hamilton | SELLITA |
Buser | Hanhart | Silvana |
Cattin | Helbros | Sindaco |
Certina | Helvetia | Slava |
Chaika | Heuer | Smiths |
Chezard | Heuer Leonidas | Standard - ST |
Cimier | IWC | Tavannes |
Citizen | Jaeger LeCoultre | Thiel |
Croton | Jeambrun | Timor |
Concord | Junghans | Tissot |
Cortebert | Kasper | Tudor |
Court | KFG | Ulysse Nardin |
Culmina | Kienzle | Unitas, UT |
Cupillard | Lanco | Universal |
Cyma | Landeron | Universal Geneve |
Dama | Lavina | Vacheron |
Damas | Lemania | Valjoux |
Derby | Leonidas | Venus |
Dodane | Longines | Vulcain |
Dorly | Lorsa, HS | Waltham |
Doxa | Luch | West End |
Dugena | Marc Favre | Winton |
Durowe | Martel | Wittnauer |
EB Bettlach | Marvin | Wostok |
Ebel | Mido | Wyler |
Eberhard | Minerva | Zaria |
Ebosa | Moeris | Zenith |
Election | Molnia | Zodiac |